Program for finding Body Mass Index Using JAVA
* It is a numeric indicator of human body fat based on a person weight and height.It is applicable to adult men
* and women and is mainy used to screen indivduals in order to detect potential weight problems.
* The common formulafor calculating BMI = Mass(Kg)/[height(m)]^2
* It was invented by Begian Scinetist Adolphe Quetelet and hence it is also known as the Quetelet Index.
* A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered normal.
package Snlkjha;
import javax.swing.*;
* @author Snlkjha
public class BodyMassIndex {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String wt = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Weight(In Kg):");
String ht = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Height(In Inch):");
double weight = Double.valueOf(wt).doubleValue();
double height = Double.valueOf(ht).doubleValue();
double m_height = (height) / (39.37);
double body_mass_index = weight / (m_height * m_height);
if (body_mass_index >= 18.5 && body_mass_index <= 24.9) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Congratulations...!!!\nYour Body Mass Index Is Normal.\nYour BMI is " + body_mass_index + " Kg/m^2");
} else if (body_mass_index < 18.5) {
double gain=(18.5*m_height*m_height)-weight;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Be Concious...!!!\nYour BMI is " + body_mass_index + " Kg/m^2\nYour Body Mass Index Is Not Normal U exacly need to gain your weight by "+gain+" Kg. in order to achieve minimum normal level.");
} else {
double lose=weight-(24.9*m_height*m_height);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Be Alert...!!!\nYour BMI is " + body_mass_index + " Kg/m^2\nYour Body Mass Index Is Not Normal U exactly need to lose Ur Weight by "+lose+" Kg. in order to achieve maximum normal level.");